They Have Professionals for That…

If you’ve been over to my Etsy shop, you may have seen the newest addition to my family, my neice, modeling one of my bibs. Clearly (!), she is THE cutest baby of all time and makes the perfect bib model. So on my last trip home, I brought several bibs for her to try on for me.

This adorable butter ball of joyful cuteness has just started to crawl and wants to explore the entire big world so getting her to hold still proved to be challenge number one.

Getting her to look in the direction of the camera…challenge number two.

Keeping her from gnawing on the bibs, well, everything comes in threes, right?

No challenge getting her to smile for the camera at least!

My dad (her Zadde) got down on the floor to help The Quilted Chuppah cause (three family members, hard at work). He did the outfit changes, kept the bibs out of the baby’s mouth, and kept me smiling as he laughed at her being her.

At one point I tured to him and said, “Well now I understand why people hire professionls to take pictures of their kids! ” I mean, whew! What a work out keeping up with her! Harder than quilting the bibs in the first place, that’s for sure. But that smile, that totally makes it completely ok. I’ll see her again in a couple of weeks and you better believe I’ll have a few more bibs for her to model for me, professional photographer or not!

Oh, and I promised her mom that the baby will get a percentage of every bib sale put in her piggy bank. Fair’s fair!

She's on the move!

She’s on the move!

Zadde saves the day!

Zadde saves the day!

That smile....

That smile….

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